DisplayCAL (Linux & Mac OS X only) released

Fixed in this release:

  • [Moderate] Linux (profile installation and profile loading): Getting the fallback XrandR display device ID could unexpectedly return no result in some cases due to incorrect parsing, leading to potential application of a stale device to profile mapping or no profile at all (regression of SVN revision r4800).
  • [Minor] Linux, Mac OS X: The visual whitepoint editor was failing to update the test pattern area of a connected madTPG instance when madVR was selected as display device, due to an implementation bug related to setting the background color.

DisplayCAL 3.3.4 released

This is a maintenance/bugfix release.

Added in this release:

  • Verification charts for ISO 14861:2015 soft proofing evaluation.

Changed in this release:

  • [Enhancement] More even and consistent CPU utilization on multi CPU/multi core systems during high resolution device-to-PCS table generation.
  • [Enhancement] Multi-threaded gamut view calculation.
  • [Enhancement] Use an alternate way to generate the matrix for profiles created from the small testchart for matrix profiles (may improve accuracy on very linear displays) and use an optimized tone response curve if using a single curve and the measured response is a good match to an idealized parametric or standardized tone response curve.
  • [Enhancement] Uniformity report: No longer include (meaningless) correlated/closest color temperature. Use “traffic light” visual indicators in conjunction with unambiguous pass/fail messages to allow easy at-a-glance assessment of the results, and also include contrast ratio deviation to fully conform to ISO 12646:2015 and 14861:2015. You can update old reports via “Update measurement or uniformity report…” in the “Report” sub-menu of the “Tools” menu.
  • [Enhancement] Measurement report: Use the display profile whitepoint as reference white for the measured vs. profile white delta E calculation and use the assumed target whitepoint as reference white for the measured vs. assumed white delta E calculation to make the reported delta E more meaningful.
  • [Enhancement] Measurement report: Allow to use the display profile whitepoint as reference white when using absolute (not D50 adapted) values.
  • [Enhancement] Profile installation (Linux): Always do fallback colord profile installation using colormgr if available unless the ARGYLL_USE_COLORD environment variable is set.
  • [Enhancement] Profile loader (Linux): Include the profile source (colord or Argyll’s UCMM) in diagnostic output and use the XrandR device ID as fallback when no EDID is available.
  • [Enhancement] Profile loader (Windows): Slightly improve encoding accuracy of quantizing to 8 < n < 16 bits.
  • [Trivial] Offer the complete range of input encodings for the eeColor 3D LUT format and do not force an identical output encoding.
  • [Trivial] Do not store calibration settings in a profile if calibration is disabled.
  • [Trivial] Revert the default profile type for the 79 patches auto-optimized testchart slider step to XYZ LUT + matrix.
  • [Trivial] Iridas cube 3D LUTs: Increase compatibility by stripping leading whitespace from text lines and adding DOMAIN_MIN/MAX keywords if missing.
  • [Trivial] Measurement report: Calculate true combined a*b* range for grayscale instead of summing separate ranges.
  • [Trivial] Measurement report: Automatically enable “Use absolute values” if using full whitepoint simulation (i.e. not relative to display profile whitepoint).

Fixed in this release:

  • [Moderate] When cancelling profiling measurements with the testchart set to “Auto”, the testchart UI and the internal test chart setting were no longer in sync until changing the profile type or restarting the application.
  • [Moderate] Synthetic ICC profile creator: Unhandled exception when trying to create DICOM (regression of a change in DisplayCAL 3.1.5, SVN revision r4020) or SMPTE 2084 profiles (regression of multiprocessing changes in DisplayCAL 3.3).
  • [Minor] Protect against potentially clipping slightly above black values during high resolution device-to-PCS table generation (regression of a change in DisplayCAL 3.3.3, SVN revision r4705).
  • [Minor] Protect against enumerating displays and ports in response to a DISPLAY_CHANGED event when the main window isn’t shown or isn’t enabled which could lead to a hang due to a race condition.
  • [Minor] Verification using a simulation profile that defines an identity matrix in its ‘chad’ tag (e.g. ISOnewspaperv4) did not work correctly due to the matrix being mapped to “None” insatead of “XYZ scaling”.
  • [Minor] Verification using a CMYK simulation profile failed with a “Profile invalid” error if previously “Use simulation profile as display profile” and “Device link profile” were enabled but no device link profile selected.
  • [Minor] Remove separate videoLUT access support under Windows and Mac OS X (separate videoLUT access is only supported under X11).
  • [Minor] Downloaded files were not renamed from their temporary name if the server did not return a Content-Length header (this typically only happens for text files, not binary files). Fixes not being able to import colorimeter corrections from iColor Display.
  • [Trivial] Do not reflect the black point hue in tone response curves of single curve + matrix profiles when not using black point compensation.
  • [Trivial] Measurement report: Additional stats median calculation index was off by n+1.
  • [Cosmetic] Display model name and manufacturer description tags were missing from profiles created using the alternate forward profiler.
  • [Cosmetic] Measurement report: Eliminate “Use absolute values” having a side-effect on the RGB patches preview.
  • [Cosmetic] Windows: When closing some of the standalone tools when minimized, e.g. by right-clicking the taskbar button and choosing “Close” from the menu, or by using the taskbar preview close button, the application did not close until restored from its minified state (i.e. by clicking on the taskbar button or switching to it with the task switcher).